I talked to the owner, Sandra Mastroianni of
Cactus Gallery, where my fiance,
The Mincing Mockingbird, shows bird paintings regularly, and she agreed to carry my cards. She runs it with her husband artist Abraham Szmukler in the Eagle Rock area of Los Angeles. So if you live nearby, you can purchase my Frantic Meerkat greeting cards without having to deal with the United States Post Office. Currently she only has five of them, because I wasn't sure what would sell, and I didn't want to overwhelm her with the 15 or so cards I have.
More good news — she accepted my chimpanzee pieces into her anniversary show which opens on March 8th, and I'll post the times of the opening as soon as I know them. I'm planning on being there and so is Mincy, if he doesn't have to work late. I think he plans on having some new bird paintings in the show as well.