Tuesday, March 4, 2008

333 Art Show at Cactus Gallery

This is the painting I finished this past Saturday to submit to the 333 show that Cactus Gallery is having with the opening being this Saturday, March 8, from 7-10. They are also having an artist reception on Saturday, March 15, from 7-10 with food, drink and music. The Mincing Mockingbird and I will probably show up both nights since the gallery's not that far from us. I also have the three chimp pieces showing. Mincy took three fabulous bird paintings on wood panels on Sunday and when he stopped by to pick up the postcards for the show today, she had already sold one of them. So he ran out and bought another panel which he'll paint sometime in the next few days for the show's opening Saturday.

Below is the postcard invitation for the show.

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