Wednesday, March 18, 2009

National Stationery Show - Full Speed Ahead!

Okay - I know we should have been planning for the National Stationery Show in NYC this May for quite some time now. Some would say we should have started back in 2001. Well, the Frantic Meerkat and Mincing Mockingbird work best under pressure, which is why we had our first "staff meeting" about the show last night.

Oh, we've done the important things like applied, sent in our money, and made plane and hotel reservations, so we can show up and stand in our booth. But planning the booth? Making up line sheets? Ha! Ha! We laugh in the face of line sheets! And after sitting down and figuring out costs, we'd better start doing everything to raise the cash to pay for this endeavor including giving blood and having bake sales (black bird pie, anyone?).

So we sat down and made a big calendar of when things have to be done by and what we have to do. Next up is figuring out what color we want our walls. And what kind of lighting. Luckily Mincy worked as an art director for a special events company, so he knows how to set up temporary spaces and make them look fabulous. I think I'm going to rely on him for a lot of that. Me, on the other hand, I'll be the one designing the price sheets and brochures. Oh yeah, and web sites. I'm tired.


Art Kitten said...

Good luck! You two will do a great job, wish I could go and check it out.

Absolutely Small said...

You are going to do awesomely. And all the stationery buyers are going to fall in love with your work. And soon, we'll be seeing Mincing/Meerkat goodness all across the land! It will be a glorious day, indeed!
Seriously though, you are going to do great! ^-^

Kim Bagwill said...

Thanks you guys! It's so overwhelming and it sometimes feels like we're working in a vacuum. And then there's the fear that we'll be standing in our booth and everyone will just walk by like there's an invisible force field in front of us. I know that's unlikely and irrational, but I DO have an overactive imagination....