5 years ago
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
New ACEO before Oz
Here's my newest aceo. I found the text in a Woman's Day magazine from 1959.
This could be my last post for a couple of weeks as I leave for a whirlwind trip to Australia on Friday (I may be able to post tomorrow though). We're in Bribane for two days, Sydney for four (with a side trip to the Blue Mountains), Tasmania for four and Melbourne for four where we'll stay with my penpal from 6th grade. She and her husband visited me 17 years ago when I lived in Chicago and stayed with us for a week or so and since I was little, it's been a dream of mine to visit her in Australia. I'll be taking tons of photos, some of which will hopefully end up in my artwork. Plus, I hope to buy some old books or magazines to use in my altered art and collage work. I can't wait! And the Mincing Mockingbird plans to take a lot of photos of birds, so he'll have new painting subjects.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Great Top Hat Dad
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Here's the Billboard
Here's the billboard in San Francisco at night -- my piece is the painting on the right. Here's the link for the article.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
I'm in the San Francisco Chronicle!
Last year for Earth Day I repainted one of my paintings 13 x 13 feet, "Kim Has a Good Skip", on a billboard size piece of vinyl for Eco-LA gallery here in Los Angeles. It was rehung in Los Angeles (above) this past January, and now it's hanging in San Francisco for the following month. Also, a reporter from the San Francisco Chronicle called my fiance, the Mincing Mockingbird, (who painted a full-size billboard) and interviewed him. The article came out today and we're both mentioned! It's pretty exciting for us both. Here's the link for the article.
I think it's also running the actual printed paper on Tuesday, so we'll have to run around and see if we can find a copy.
Here's the link for one of the previous posts during the painting process.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Joey the Mechanical Boy
Went to the artists' reception for the Found 2 show at Cactus Gallery last night and Mincing Mockingbird's piece in the show sold as well. Yay! There was so much amazing art there and we got to chat with the prolific Walt Hall who had a whole wall of art in the show. We were so inspired, that after we got home we both went to our studios and created new work. Joey the Mechanical Boy (above) is my newest piece. The illustration was taken out of an issues of Readers' Digest from 1946 and the painting was from a school photo I found at a flea market.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Come Meet the Artists!
Both the Mincing Mockingbird and myself will be at the artists' reception from 7-10 p.m. this Saturday, April 19th. We'll try to be there the entire time (but never guarantee an exact arrival time due to traffic or awaking from late afternoon naps). And even though one of my pieces has sold, I think it's still hanging until the end of the show, and there are lots of other fabulous art pieces to peruse, like Mincing Mockingbird's piece below.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Arbitrary Art Curiosity #4
I just found this artist, Randel Plowman, through Michele Caplan's Collage Lab blog. (It's so much fun to have "extra" time at work to browse blogs.) He's located in northern Kentucky, and is creating a collage a day and selling them for only $25! Check out his blog for more amazing collages.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
My Piece Sold!
Went to the Found 2 gallery opening at Cactus Gallery tonight, and there was a red dot by my piece, "Blessed are the Meek". It sold already! I was excited, but I think my fiance, the Mincing Mockingbird, was even more excited. He insisted we go out for a drink to celebrate, so we went to The Fat Dog in Montrose (CA) and had a drink and sweet potato fries. Very fun and tasty. I usually downplay successes, so it was fun to actually celebrate one this time.
Friday, April 11, 2008
I've been Tagged!
Okay, so I've been ignoring it because I've been busy, but I feel like I should finally acknowledge it. Moe Sew Co. tagged me awhile ago and now I'll pass it onto other unsuspecting artists.
The rules of tagging are as follows:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
Six random things/habits/quirks about me:
1. When eating at fast food restaurants, I always have to have a lid and a straw with my beverage of choice. It doesn't matter if I'm not taking it with me, I still need that lid and straw (and lemon if available). But at work I drink diet coke out of cans -- no straw. Go figure.
2. It doesn't matter if it's 90 degrees out, if I'm going to be out all day, I take a hoodie along because if I don't, it ALWAYS turns cold and I'm freezing. Then I'm crabby.
3. While out shopping or hiking or running errands, whenever I pass a bathroom I almost always use it...because you never know how long it will be before you find another one. And the next one might be out of toilet paper or flooded.
4. I have a twin sister - and no, not identical.
5. It's almost physically impossible for me to talk on the phone without pacing. This has been much easier with a cell phone because now I can wander anywhere while talking to my mother for up to an hour (a great mindless workout). Otherwise I wear a path into the carpet.
6. I make awesome BBQ chicken pizza.
And now my tags!
1. Mincing Mockingbird
2. Michelle Caplan
3.Julie Knoblock's Blog
4. 8 ounce
5. Melissa Kate
6. Argyle Whale
The rules of tagging are as follows:
1. Link to the person that tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
4. Tag six random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs.
5. Let each random person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website.
Six random things/habits/quirks about me:
1. When eating at fast food restaurants, I always have to have a lid and a straw with my beverage of choice. It doesn't matter if I'm not taking it with me, I still need that lid and straw (and lemon if available). But at work I drink diet coke out of cans -- no straw. Go figure.
2. It doesn't matter if it's 90 degrees out, if I'm going to be out all day, I take a hoodie along because if I don't, it ALWAYS turns cold and I'm freezing. Then I'm crabby.
3. While out shopping or hiking or running errands, whenever I pass a bathroom I almost always use it...because you never know how long it will be before you find another one. And the next one might be out of toilet paper or flooded.
4. I have a twin sister - and no, not identical.
5. It's almost physically impossible for me to talk on the phone without pacing. This has been much easier with a cell phone because now I can wander anywhere while talking to my mother for up to an hour (a great mindless workout). Otherwise I wear a path into the carpet.
6. I make awesome BBQ chicken pizza.
And now my tags!
1. Mincing Mockingbird
2. Michelle Caplan
3.Julie Knoblock's Blog
4. 8 ounce
5. Melissa Kate
6. Argyle Whale
New Show at Cactus Gallery
This is one of my pieces for the new show, "Found 2", at Cactus Gallery opening this Saturday, April 12. It's titled "Blessed are the Meek". The artist reception is Saturday, April 19, 7-10. We stopped by and dropped off our pieces last night (I have an additional small piece for the show, but was unable to get a photo of it). The pieces up already are amazing! We're going to stop by this Saturday, so I'll get some more photos, and we'll be there the whole evening April 19, so stop by, check out some art, and chat.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Philip, The Adventurer
Here's my new gocco print. I didn't have quite the easy time I did with my first gocco print. This time my image was too dark, so my figure was a silhouette, and after cursing under my breath, I threw it in the trash (okay, it sat around for a few hours before I decided it was unsalvagable), and I burned a new lighter image. Plus I mixed a little gold ink with the black on the bug, and on the first screen I realized it was WAY too much gold, so I mixed it with a lot more black to get the subtle gold in the beetle.
I also decided to do limited edition prints, mostly because I realized what a pain and mess it is to try to clean and reuse the screens. I may change my mind later....but I doubt it.
Meanwhile, my fiance, the Mincing Mockingbird, was quietly painting birds in the bedroom/studio, unaware of the war I am waging against my screens.
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